When is a six year old girl cute?
She is cute when she's dressed for ballet class--pink tights, black leotard, ballet slippers, hair in a bun. So cute.
A six year old is cute when she is missing her front teeth. Adorable.
A six year old is cute when she makes her dolls talk to each other. Precious.
A six year old is cute when she has curlers in her hair. Charming.
A six year old is cute when she reads on the sofa upside down. Amusing.
A six year old is cute when she runs around the house in a fancy dress and fairy wings. Very cute.
A six year old is cute when she is bundled up against the cold. Puffy, pink, and cute.
I had better enjoy it while I can, because I will have a six year old for only two more days. Laura's birthday is on Sunday, and since she is my baby, we will be leaving this stage forever. I know good times are ahead, but I'll miss the cute and cuddly phase.
I did not know there were that many synonyms for cute!